Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning is performed on the General Electric Signa 1.5 Tesla magnet. It is an 8-channel magnet capable of performing the full range of MR applications. The typical scan times involved with this scanner are 20 minutes for head and joint imaging, 45 minutes for contrasted examinations and 45 to 60 minutes for peripheral vascular run-offs.
Mid Rogue Imaging Center can perform the full array of MR and MRA applications on any body part. This includes:
- Head
- Neck
- Spine
- Abdomen (Renal, Liver, MRCP), and Pelvis
Mid Rogue Imaging Center has a full selection of small joint coils to allow for HD imaging of small joint regions such as hand, wrist, elbow, knee, foot, and ankle. Mid Rogue does not perform MRI or MR examinations of the breast.
We also perform the full range of MRA and MRV studies covering the following:
- Brain (Circle of Willis)
- Carotid Arteries
- Thoracic Aorta
- Abdominal Aorta and Branch Vessels
- Upper and lower extremities to include PV run-offs.
All of the MRI examinations performed at Mid Rogue Imaging Center are interpreted and reported on a same day/ next morning basis, with a maximum reporting delay of 24 hours, allowing for transport and delivery of offsite images to the radiologist for correlation.